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Secreto Isla Focas

AboutSummary documentary on Seal Island, Piura, displaying the unique rich biodiversity of this place, unique in the entire Peruvian coast. This documentary brings together research efforts conducted by several Peruvian scientists have discovered many secrets that the island hides. So also the efforts that have been made to try to create a marine protected area by the state. The documentary has been funded by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONCYTEC), with executive direction Nature and Culture International-Peru and produced by Terra Aquatica productions. CreditsDirector, Writer: Yuri HookerExecutive director: Alex Moresponsored by: CONCYTECProducer: Terra Aquatica.

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Secreto Isla Focus Video

10-year-old Fiona is sent to live with her grandparents in a small fishing village in Donegal, Ireland. She soon learns the local legend that an ancestor of hers married a Selkie - a seal who can turn into a human.

Years earlier, her baby brother washed out to sea in a cradle shaped like a boat; someone in the family believes the boy is being raised by the seals. Then Fiona catches sight of a naked little boy on the abandoned Isle of Roan Inish and takes an active role in uncovering the secret of Roan Inish. Some people would label this a children's movie.and yet, it has all the mystery and beauty that accompanies films for adults who love poetry and traditional storytelling and classic literature. Watch this film, and you'll get a good idea of Irish tradition and life and their constant belief in legend and lore, which has made them into the wonderful and strong race that they are today.

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There is a deep sense of family.a truly strong family who has clearly had its ups and downs and yet has come out even stronger than before. A family that has been through generations of change, adapted, continues to change and yet still holds onto the traditions and stories along the way. Stories that others might assume are myth and faery tales. And stories that we know aren't anything but the truth woven into a magical tale.

Secreto Isla Focas

In most Irish tales and legends I've read, there is a quest which keeps the main character(s) pushing forward through all the challenges of life. Fiona's store in this movie is no different. She's a little girl lost at the beginning when we meet her, wandering through the smog of the city to find some way to latch onto her father who is lost and sad with grief over a dead wife and a dead and missing baby boy. Her true quest begins when she is sent to live with her grandparents who still live by the sea. And the quest truly becomes a quest when she learns that her baby brother Jamie has been spotted on Roan Inish, the Island of the Seals where her family originated from. The music weaves itself around the characters and the story to make it more complete than it would be without it.

It is both peaceful and stirring, providing the background for the cultural ear. With the music and the intricate storytelling, one can become truly lost in this story. And truly a part of it. If I had children, this is one movie I would have them watch over and over again. Like Disney's 'Darby O'Gill and the Little People,' this is a movie to entertain children of all ages.